General Information
Duties of Your Board of Education
The Board of Education’s responsibility is not to run the schools, but to see that they are well run. They in turn hire a superintendent to take care of all day-to-day administrative matters. The Board is vested only as a member of the board of education while they are conducting an official meeting. When you see them out in public, they are citizens just like you and me. When you share a concern about an issue with a board member, they should direct you back to the appropriate school official who can help you. If you provide a board member with too much information about a situation, they may have to recuse themselves from hearing and deciding on your concern if brought before the entire board of education in an official meeting.
Qualifications to be a Board Member
A school district elector, qualified to vote in any school district election, is any person who is registered with the county election board within the school district. A candidate for a board of education vacancy must have been a resident of, and a registered voter of, the school district and the election district (or ward) for at least six months immediately preceding the filing period. No person can file for school board election unless the person has been awarded a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalency. A person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving embezzlement or of a felony or who has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to such crime shall not be eligible to be a candidate for or to be elected to a school board position for a period of 15 years following completion of the sentence or during the pendency of an appeal.
No person can be a candidate for or serve as a board member if the person is currently employed by this school district or is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity to any other member of the board or to an employee of this school district.